Saturday, 13 October 2018

Computer Keyboard shortcuts

                          Computer Keyboard shortcuts


  • Alt + Tab show open programs.
  • when press Alt + F4   you will get a immediately shutdown dialog box.
  • press WIN + L  it will lock your computer.
  • WIN + D  show the desktop
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc  open task manager .
  • Alt + Esc switch between programs in order they where opened .
  • WIN / Ctrl + Esc open start menu .

  • WIN + F1 open windows help and support 

  • F5 Refresh the computer
  • Ctrl + N  open new window.
  • Alt + Ctrl + delete open task manager . 
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow , Right Arrow , Up arrow,  Down Arrow for screen rotation
  • WIN + P  windows project screen
  • WIN + M Minimise all the windows 
  • SHIFT + WIN + m    restore windows that where minimized
  • WIN + TAB   open task view
  • Alt + SpaceBar    open menu for active program.
  • Ctrl + A   for select All Text.
  • Ctrl + O  Open the file in current using software.
  • Ctrl + B  Change selected Text to Bold.
  • Ctrl + S  save the file.
  • Ctrl + X  cut selected Item.
  • Ctrl + C copy selected item.
  • Ctrl + V   paste copied item.
  • Ctrl + Y  Redo.
  • Ctrl + Z  Undo.
  • Ctrl + F Open Find Window.
  • Ctrl + I   Italic Text.
  • Ctrl + J  View Downloads in Browser.
  • Ctrl + D  Bookmark  for web page.


Friday, 12 October 2018

Rotate Laptop Or PC Screen with computer shortcuts

How Export Outlook data

  1. Press CTRL+ALT+Arrow keys .you can easily rotate portrait or upside or down or landscape.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow : Flip the screen upside down.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow  : Rotate the screen to the right.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow :  Rotate the screen to the left.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow  : Return the screen to the Landscape Orientation.

     2.  Right click mouse and click Screen Resolution Or Display Settings and Choose Orientation 'Landscape'  or portrait
       or    Landscape  Flipped  or  portrait Flipped . after that click Apply .


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